Helping to Make Riparian Restoration “Climate Smart” A Workshop for Funders, Regulators, and Public Trust Agency Staff
This workshop aimed to broaden knowledge about supporting riparian restoration projects that use the principles of climate-smart restoration.
Instructor Information
Mr. Tom Gardali
Director of the Pacific Coast and Central Valley Group
Point Blue Conservation Science
Grey Hayes
See also: Riparian Restoration, Habitat Restoration
Workshop Goal
This workshop aimed to broaden knowledge about designing and implementing restoration projects that will persist and thrive in the face of climate change (climate-smart restoration).
Workshop Description
The workshop consisted of a presentation by Point Blue on a set of principles designed to guide restoration planning to incorporate anticipated climate change. Following, we shared case studies where recent funding mechanisms have facilitated climate considered restoration design, and discuss some of barriers our practitioners face when attempting to fund and implement climate considered restoration projects. Through a facilitated discussion, we discussed together possible solutions.
Workshop Objectives
Objective 1
Increase participants’ knowledge of concepts and principles for guiding riparian replica hublot restoration design to incorporate anticipated climate change (a.k.a. ‘Climate Smart Riparian Restoration’), such as
- Addressing questions of climate uncertainty in restoration design
- How to consider climate change vulnerability in developing restoration designs
- The importance of building in ecological insurance in restoration design
- Identifying current barriers practitioners are facing
Objective 2
IIncrease participants’ understanding of funding RFP’s have been developed to enable climate-smart restoration.
- Highlight programs that have worked or are working
Objective 3
Learn from participants what constraints they face in helping practitioners make riparian restoration more climate-smart, and discuss possible solutions.
Documents and Publications
Contact List
We encourage participants to download the contact list to assist with arranging a rideshare or to get in contact with someone you met at the
workshop. Those interested in sharing a ride to the event are marked on the contact list.
Questions and Answers
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