Welcome to the Elkhorn Slough Coastal Training Program

With the significant development pressures on coastal communities and the resulting impacts to coastal resources, it is important that those individuals involved in coastal decision making and planning have the opportunity to improve their skills and scientific knowledge in order to address critical resource issues.

To answer this need, the National Estuarine Research Reserve System began its Coastal Training Program (CTP). The objectives of this program are to:

  • Provide the best available science, tools, and techniques to those individuals and groups whose actions impact coastal watersheds, estuaries and near shore waters.
  • Increase our understanding of the environmental, social, and economic consequences of human activity within the coastal landscape.
  • Increase information exchange and collaboration amongst the many individuals and institutions who affect coastal ecosystems.

The Elkhorn Slough Coastal Training Program focuses on a variety of local and regional issues including those of particular significance such as

  • sensitive species
  • habitat restoration and management
  • clean water
  • invasive species

We strive to provide useful courses that address high priority issues of local and regional importance to planners, managers and regulators of coastal area resources.

The Coastal Training Program brings diverse people together - farmers, fishermen, regulatory personnel, elected officials, landowners, and scientists - to define issues and explore solutions. We are able to build collaborative networks that teach and lead each other to conserve one of the biodiversity hotspots of the U.S.

As our program grows and develops, we are becoming the region's premier forum for people to go to when they need better information about coastal ecology.

To sign up to receive announcements about new training opportunities check "subscribe" and enter your e-mail address below.


To sign up to receive announcements regarding local and regional coastal management issues check "subscribe" and enter your e-mail address below. The Elkhorn Slough CTP will forward an estimated 1-2 items each month regarding recent publications, news, grant opportunities, and other items of interest to individuals who wish to keep current with coastal issues from the central coast.


To sign up to receive announcements concerning the events and activities of the Central Coast Rangelands Coalition check "subscribe" and enter your email address below.

If you are already signed up to receive announcements, you may use this form to unsubscribe or update your subscription.

Current Events

Ecology of Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog
May 9, 2025, 9:00 AM
Virtual Training
We are transitioning our registration to Eventbrite. You can register for this workshop here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ecology-of-foothill-yellow-legged-frog-tickets-1292111884429? ...

Biology and Management of California Tiger Salamander
May 13, 2025, 10:00 AM
Virtual Training
We are transitioning our registration to Eventbrite. You can register for this workshop here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/biology-and-management-of-california-tiger-salamander-workshop-2025 ...

Our Sponsors

Coastal_Conservancy_LogoCoastal Conservancy

CA_Dept_Fish&Wildlife_LogoCalifornia Department of Fish
and Wildlife

Elkhorn_Slough_Foundation_LogoElkhorn Slough Foundation

NOAA_LogoNational Oceanic and
Atmospheric Association

NERRS_LogoNational Estuarine Research Reserve System