Ecology and Impacts of Blue Gum Eucalyptus in Coastal California
Date Thursday, June 3, 2004 9:00 AM - 5:00 PMMoss Landing Marine Laboratories Moss Landing Lunch will be provided
Instructor Information
Susie Fork Research Biologist Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve
Anna Kopitov Resource Ecologist Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment
Jason Nicholson Student Cabrillo College
David Suddjian Consulting Wildlife Biologist
Eric Van Dyke Geographical Ecologist Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve
Diana Wakimoto Student Unicersity of California, Santa Cruz
Stuart Weiss Chief Scientist Creekside Center for Earth Observation
Grey Hayes (831) 274-8700
See also: Blue Gum Eucalyptus , Maintaining Biodiversity
On June 3rd, 2004, the Coastal Training Program and the California Invasive Plant Council co-sponsored a workshop entitled "Ecology and Impacts of Blue Gum Eucalyptus in Coastal California." The workshop was designed to provide agencies, scientists, and land managers with the latest information on the invasive, non-native tree species, Eucalyptus globulus globulus. Below you will find links to information presented as part of this workshop. If you would like to borrow or purchase a copy of a videotape or a CD of some of the PowerPoint presentations of the workshop, contact Grey Hayes.
Documents and Publications
Agenda: Ecology and Impacts of Blue Gum Eucalyptus in Coastal California PDF, 40KB
Conference Notes: Birds and Eucalyptus on the Central California Coast: A Love - Hate Relationship. PDF, 26KB
D. Suddjian 2004
Contact List: Ecology and Impacts of Blue Gum Eucalyptus in Coastal California PDF, 16KB
Poster: Diversifying understory vegetation in Eucalyptus forests. Golden Gate National Recreation Area PDF, 304KB
Strathman, Katrina, Rahman, Johanna, and Hamingson, Ellen 2004
Poster: Monarch butterfly use of eucalyptus and native trees during winter months in central coastal California PDF, 225KB
Stock, Sarah, Thorngate, Nelli, Griffiths, Jessica 2004
Presentation: Allelopathic Influences of Oak and Eucalyptus on the Vegetation of the Elkhorn Slough. PDF, 364KB
Nicholson, Jason 2004
Presentation: Arthropod diversity in native and exotic woodlands. PDF, 2.3MB
S. Fork 2004
Presentation: Blue gum eucalyptus in the Elkhorn Watershed: 1930 - present. PDF, 3.5MB
E. Van Dyke 2004
Presentation: Comparative Ecological Value of Coastal Live Oak and Australian Blue Gum Woodlands. PDF, 307KB
Kopitov, Anna 2004
Presentation: Introductory remarks on the Comparison of Communities found in Eucalyptus vs. oak groves in central California. PDF, 136KB
Wasson, Kerstin 2004
Presentation: Oak, Eucalyptus, and Singing Birds. PDF, 290KB
Wakimoto, Diana 2004
Equal diversity in disparate species assemblages: a comparison of native and exotic woodlands in California. PDF, 305KB
Sax, Dov F Global Ecology & Biogeography 11: 49-57 2002
Impact: toward a framework for understanding the ecological effects of invaders. PDF, 112KB
I.M. Parker, D. Simberloff , W.M. Lonsdale, K. Goodell, M. Wonham, P.M. Kareiva, M.H. Williamson, B. Von Holle, P.B. Moyle, J.E. Byers & L. Goldwasser Biological Invasions, 1: 3-19 1999
The portability of foodweb dynamics: reassembling an Australian eucalypt-psyllid-bird association within California PDF, 114KB
Julie L. Lockwood and James J. Gilroy Global Ecology and Biogeography. 13: 445-450 2004
Bibliography: Blue Gum Eucalyptus PDF, 13KB
Coastal Training Program and California Invasive Plant Council Coastal Training Program 2005
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