California Tiger Salamander Workshop 2009
COST: $185.00
Payable by check to Elkhorn Slough Foundation
Instructor Information
Dr. Peter Trenham
Independent Consultant
Julie Vance
Senior Environmental Scientist
California Department of Fish and Game
Grey Hayes
(831) 274-8700
See also: California Tiger Salamander, Habitat Restoration
On April 10, 2009, Pete Trenham, Ph.D. will present a workshop in northern Monterey County on the biology and conservation of the California tiger salamander (CTS). Dr. Trenham has published a variety of papers on the ecology and life history of the California tiger salamander and has most successfully taught this same workshop several times. The workshop will consist of a daytime classroom session and a choice of attending a field session either 4:30-8:30 pm April 10 or the 9am-1pm April 11. Workshop Objectives: This is a great opportunity to gain an understanding of the biology of California tiger salamanders and also how this information can be applied to habitat management for this species. The information conveyed will be useful in large-scale and local conservation planning efforts. Topics discussed will include: the geographic distribution of California tiger salamanders and hybrid populations, upland and aquatic habitats and their management, movements, population and community ecology, survey methods, and methods for assessing potential project impacts and approaches for avoidance and minimization. Julie Vance, from the California Department of Fish and Game will join Dr. Trenham to present perspectives from her Department on permitting and protection of the species.
During a field training practicum, participants will also receive training in species identification, sampling techniques, and the habitat requirements of the California tiger salamander. Workshop moderator Grey Hayes will use the field setting to assist participants in analysis of the impacts of a fictitious development proposal so that they will better be able to analyze impacts and design avoidance/mitigation in the real world.
Important Registration Details: Please note, you can pre-register using this website, but we must receive your payment no later than 5 p.m. March 17th for us to reserve a spot for you at the workshop. Your registration will not be completed without payment by this date. Send a check for $185 made out to the Elkhorn Slough Foundation, sent to Grey Hayes, c/o ESF, 1700 Elkhorn Road, Watsonville, CA 95076. We will email you when we have received your payment. After receiving payment, we will register you also in one of the two night time field training sessions, on either April 10, 4:30-8:30pm or April 11, 9am-1pm. If you have a preference for one of these two nights, please let us know; we will do our best to accommodate your choice, but cannot guarantee placement in a particular session. We cannot refund any of your registration fee(s) if you cancel after March 10th, 5 p.m. Cancellation before this date results in our refunding all but $30 processing fee. We do not allow people to 'trade' their registration, even with people in the same organization.
Documents and Publications
Contact List: 2009 California Tiger Salamander Workshop PDF, 13KB |
Presentation: California Department of Fish and Game's CTS 2009 Presentation PDF, 1MB |
Julie Vance CDFG April 2009 |
Presentation: Daniel Russell - USFW and CTS 2009 PDF, 592KB |
Daniel Russell USFWS April 2009 |
Amphibian Upland Habitat Use & Its Consequences for Population Viability PDF, 197KB |
Peter C. Trenham & H. Bradley Shaffer Ecological Applications 15(4):1158-1168 2005 |
Can California Ranchers Save The Tiger Salamander? PDF, 134KB |
Erik Stokstad Science 305:1554 September 10, 2004 |
Distribution of Migrating Adults Related to the Location of Remnant Grassland around an Urban California Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma californiense) Breeding Pool PDF, 341KB |
Peter C. Trenham and David G. Cook Urban Herpetology, Herpetological Conservation, Mitchell, J.C., and R.E. Jung Brown (Eds.). Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. 2008 |
Hybridization Between a Rare, Native Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma californiense) and its Introduced Congener PDF, 310KB |
Seth P. D. Riley, H. Bradley Shaffer, S. Randal Voss, & Benjamin M. Fitzpatrick Ecological Applications 13(5):1263-1275 2003 |
Spatially Autocorrelated Demography and Interpond Dispersal In The Salamander Ambystoma californiense PDF, 339KB |
Peter C. Trenham, Walter D. Koenig and H. Bradley Shaffer Ecology, 82(12):3519-3530 2001 |
Terrestrial habitat use by adult California tiger salamanders PDF, 666KB |
Peter C. Trenham Journal of Herpetology, 35(2):343-346 2001 |
The Effects of Livestock on California Ground Squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyii) PDF, 209KB |
Jeffrey S. Fehmi, Sabrina E. Russo, James W. Bartolome Rangeland Ecology and Management 58:352-359 July 2005 |
The molecular phylogenetics of endangerment: cryptic variation and historical phylogeography of the California tiger salamander PDF, 280KB |
The polytypic species revisited: genetic differentiation and molecular phylogenetics of the tiger salamander Ambystoma tigrinum (Amphibia: Caudata) complex PDF, 2.8MB |
H. Bradley Shaffer; Mark L. McKnight Evolution, 50(1):417-433 Feb. 1996 |
Ambystoma californiense Gray, 1853, California tiger salamander PDF, 32KB |
Shaffer, H. B., and P. C. Trenham M. Lannoo, editor. Amphibian Declines - The Conservation Status of United States Species. University of California Press, Berkeley 2005 |
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