Archived Workshops/References

California Fish and Wildlife Staff Trainings


Because the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Researrch Reserve is managed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the California Deparment of Fish and Wildlife, Elkhorn Slough Coastal Training has a special relationship with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife as a priority audience for our trainings.  And so, we remain focused on fund raising and pursuing opportunities to help train Department staff on the issues that they prioritize.  In so doing, we work closely with the Department's Office of Training and Development in Sacramento and with the Fresno Regional Office of CDFW.

Training Programs

California Tiger Salamander - Fresno 2013 Field session #1 Apr 22, 2013
California Tiger Salamander - Fresno 2013 Field session #2 Apr 22, 2013
California Tiger Salamander Workshop for CDF&W staff 2013 Apr 22, 2013
California Tiger Salamander Workshop for CDFW staff 2014 Jun 23, 2014
Grazing Workshop for California Department of Fish and Wildlife Staff Feb 24, 2017