Archived Workshops/References
Western Pond Turtle
The western pond turtle (Clemmys marmorata) is listed by the federal government and the State of California as a species of special concern. Our focus on the species begins with offering workshops on the basic ecology and conservation of the species, and we will progress with future workshops specifically addressing habitat restoration and other actions necessary for recovering healthy populations for the species.
Training Programs
Western Pond Turtle Workshop | Aug 28, 2008 |
Western Pond Turtle Workshop 2009 | May 22, 2009 |
Western Pond Turtle Workshop 2010 | Jun 17, 2010 |
Western Pond Turtle Workshop 2011 | Aug 25, 2011 |
Western Pond Turtle Workshop 2012 | Aug 16, 2012 |
Western Pond Turtle Workshop 2013 | Jun 27, 2013 |
Documents and Publications
Western Pond Turtle Workshop - Bibliography PDF, 119KB Jun 06 13 |
Galen Rathbun and David Germano Elkhorn Slough Coastal Training Program June 1, 2013 |
Short Western Pond Turtle Bibliography |
Western Pond Turtle Workshop Presentation PDF, 2.9MB Jul 02 13 |
Galen Rathbun and David Germano Elkhorn Slough Coastal Training Program 2013 |
Workshop power point |
Actinemys marmorata (Baird and Girard 1852) - Western pond turtle, Pacific pond turtle PDF, 470KB Aug 01 08 |
R. Bruce Bury and David J. Germano Conservation Biology of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises; Chelonian Research Monographs, No 5 May 15, 2008 |
Annual deposition of scute rings in the western pond turtle, Clemmys marmorata PDF, 1MB Aug 08 08 |
R. Bruce Bury and David J. Germano Chelonian Conservation and Biology 3(1):108-109 August 1998 |
Ecology of Western Pond Turtles at sewage treatment facilities in the San Joaquin Valley PDF, 481KB Jun 06 11 |
David Germano The Southwestern Naturalist 55(1):89-97 March 2010 |
Feeding Ecology of the Turtle, Clemmys marmorata PDF, 252KB May 22 09 |
Bury, Bruce Journal of Herpetology 20(4):515-521 Dec., 1986 |
Growth, Population Structure, and Reproduction of Western Pond Turtles (Actinemys marmorata) on the Central Coast of California PDF, 224KB May 20 09 |
David Germano and Galen Rathbun Chelonian Conservation and Biology 7(2):188-194 2008 |
We studied the population structure and growth of western pond turtles (Actinemys marmorata) at Vandenberg Air Force Base along the coast of central California in April 1995 and June 1996... |
Nesting behavior and movements of western pond turtles, Clemmys marmorata PDF, 1MB Aug 01 08 |
Galen Rathbun, Nancy Siepel, and Dan Holland The Southwestern Naturalist 37(3):319-324 September 1992 |
Occurence of a colonial protozoan on the western pond turtle, Clemmys marmorata PDF, 1.5MB Aug 08 08 |
David J. Germano Herpetological Natural History 7(1):67-71 2000 |
Population structure and growth of the turtle (Actinemys marorata) from the Klamoth-Siskiyou eco-region: Age not size matters PDF, 1.1MB Jun 06 11 |
Bruce Bury, David Germano, Gwendolyn Bury Copeia 3:443-451 2010 |
Range-wide molecular analysis of the western pond turtle ( Emys marmorata ): cryptic variation, isolation by distance, and their conservation implications PDF, 479KB May 22 09 |
Phillip Q. Spinks and H. Bradley Shaffer Molecular Ecology 14:2047-2064 2005 |
Reproduction of Pacific Pond Turtles (Actinemys marorata) in Coastal Streams of Central California PDF, 156KB May 20 09 |
Norman J. Scott, Galen B. Rathbun, Thomas G. Murphey, and Margaret B. Harker Herpetological Conservation and Biology 3(2):143-148 2008 |
We studied the reproduction of Pacific Pond Turtles, Actinemys marmorata, in four coastal creeks in central California... |
Terrestrial habitat use by pacific pond turtles in a Mediterranean climate PDF, 3.6MB Aug 01 08 |
Galen Rathbun, Norm Scott Jr., and Thomas G. Murphey The Southwestern Naturalist 47(2):225-235 June 2002 |
Terrestrial Movement Patterns of Western Pond Turtles in Central California PDF, 4.2MB Jun 12 13 |
David Pilliod, Justin Welty and Robert Stafford Herpetological Conservation and Biology 8(1):207-221 April 30, 2013 |
Peer reviewed article focused on the movement patterns of the Western Pond Turtle |
The effects of diesel fuel on a stream fauna PDF, 772KB Aug 21 12 |
R. Bruce Bury California Fish and Game 58(4):291-295 1972 |
Peer reviewed paper on the effects of diesel fuel in a Northern California creek. |
Variation in body size, growth and population structure of Actinemys maramota from lentic and lotic habitats in Southern Oregon PDF, 389KB Jun 06 11 |
David Germano, R. Bruce Bury Journal of Herpetology 43(3):510-520 2009 |
Western Pond Turtle: Biology, Sampling Techniques, Inventory and Monitoring, Conservation, and Management JPG, 92KB Jun 12 13 |
R. Bruce Bury, Hartwell Welsh, David Germano and Donald Ashton Northwest Fauna 7 2012 |
Monograph image of the cover of Peer reviewed Manual focused on the biology and management of the Western Pond Turtle |
Western pond turtles (Clemmys marmorata) in the central valley of California: status and population structure PDF, 416KB Aug 01 08 |
David J. Germano and R.B. Bury 2001 Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society 37:22-36 2001 |
Allocation of Reproductive Output in the Western Pond Turtle in Southern California PDF, 3.6MB Dec 12 11 |
Marcelo Nolla Pires California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 2001 |
Master Thesis |
Habits and Home Range of the Pacific Pond Turtle, Clemmys marmorata, in a Stream Community PDF, 11.3MB Jul 23 12 |
Richard Bruce Bury Bury, B., University of California, Berkeley; 1972. Committee: Stebbins, R., Wake, D., Erman, D. 1972 |
Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology Dissertation |
Nest Site Characteristics of the Western Pond Turtle, Clemmys marmorata, at Fern Ridge Reservoir, in West Central Oregon PDF, 6MB Dec 12 11 |
Deborah Lyn Holte Oregon State University March 31, 1998 |
An abstract of Master Thesis |
Western Pond Turtle - Winter Habitat Use and Behavior PDF, 5.4MB Dec 12 11 |
Caroline J. Davis San Jose State University August 1998 |
Master Thesis |
Western pond turtle information - broad, but from Washington state |
Jul 17 08 |
Western pond turtle bibliography from Washington state, lots of good citations |
Jul 17 08 |