Archived Workshops/References
California Red Legged Frog
The California red-legged frog has been protected as a threatened species by the Endangered Species Act since June 1996. The California red-legged frog is the largest native frog in the western United States. It is one of two subspecies of the red-legged frog found on the Pacific coast; the other is the northern red-legged frog Rana aurora aurora. The California red-legged frog once ranged across much of California, including portions of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range, where it is believed to be the title character of Mark Twain's famed short story, "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County." In 1865, when the story was written, red-legged frogs were the largest frogs in the state; bullfrogs were not introduced to California until 1896. California red-legged frogs have been eliminated from more than 70 percent of their historic habitat. Surveys indicate the frogs are present in about 10 percent of their historic locations. California red-legged frogs are found primarily in wetlands and streams in coastal drainages of central California. Today they are known to occur in about 238 streams or drainages in 23 counties. Monterey, San Luis Obispo, and Santa Barbara counties support the greatest amount of currently occupied habitat. Only four areas within the entire historic range of the subspecies may currently support more than 350 adults. The above is quoted from the USFWS website.
Training Programs
Documents and Publications
Handouts: California Red-legged Frog Workshop PDF, 364KB Apr 30 13 |
Trish Tatarian and Greg Tatarian Elkhorn Slough Coastal Training Program 2015 |
Handouts for the CRF workshop |
Presentation: Ecology of the California Red-legged Frog PDF, 3.8MB Aug 19 14 |
Trish Tatarian and Greg Tatarian Elkhorn Slough Coastal Training Program 2016 |
Workshop presentation |
Selected and annotated bibliography of the California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii) DOC, 122KB Apr 30 13 |
Trish Tatarian and Greg Tatarian Elkhorn Slough Coastal Training Program February 2017 |
CRF 2017 Bibliography |
A Monograph of the American Frogs of the Genus Rana PDF, 5.5MB May 23 14 |
G. A. Boulenger Cf. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 111 1918 |
A Technique for Locating and Recovering Radiotransmitters at Close Range PDF, 16KB Mar 02 07 |
Gary M. Fellers
Patrick Kleeman Herpetological Review, 2003, 34(2), 123 2003 |
Activities of four frog skin-derived antimicrobial peptides (temporin-1DRa, temporin-1Va and the melittin-related peptides AR-23 and RV-23) against anaerobic bacteria PDF, 94KB May 27 14 |
Edit Urban, Elisabeth Nagy, Tibor Pal, Agnes Sonnevend, J. Michael Conlon International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 29:317-321 2007 |
The activities of two antimicrobial peptides belonging to the temporin family (temporin-1DRa from Rana draytonii and temporin-1Va from Rana virgatipes) and two peptides with structural similarity to the bee venom peptide melittin (AR-23 from Rana tagoi and RV-23 from R. draytonii) were evaluated against a range of reference strains and clinical isolates of anaerobic bacteria. |
Amphibian chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium Dendrobatidis) in coastal and montane California, USA Anurans PDF, 574KB May 23 14 |
Gary M. Fellers, Rebecca A. Cole, David M. Reinitz, and Patrick M. Kleeman Herpetological Conservation and Biology 6(3):383–394 2011 |
We found amphibian chytrid fungus (Bd = Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) to be widespread within a coastal watershed at Point Reyes National Seashore, California and within two high elevation watersheds at Yosemite National Park, California. |
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, a novel pathogen approaching endemism in central California PDF, 1.1MB May 10 17 |
Padgett-Flohr, Gretchen E and
Hopkins II, Robert L Diseases of aquatic organisms 2009 |
a. The taxonomic pattern of infection prevalence and the ecological constraints of the 4 species we tested suggest that, although Bd was initially detected in R. catesbeiana, the more efficient and most likely local vector for Bd in central California is actually Pseudacris regilla. |
Biochemical identification of red-legged frogs, Rana aurora draytonii (Ranidae) at Duckwater, Nevada PDF, 374KB May 23 14 |
D. Green The Southwestern Naturalist, 30(4):614-616 1985 |
A substantial population of frogs exists at the isolated, warm water springs of Duckwater, a Shoshone Indian reservationin the Railroad Valley of Nye Co., Nevada |
Biochemical, behavioral, and body size differences between Rana aurora aurora and R. a. draytoni PDF, 669KB May 23 14 |
M.P. Hayes and M. M. Miyamoto Copeia, 4:1018-1022 1984 |
We describe significant electrophoretic, behavioral and body size dif- ferences between representative populations of R. a. aurora and R. a. draytoni. Our original biochemical, ethological and morphological data are coupled with published observations. Using these data, we question further the current taxonomic designation of the two taxa. |
Bullfrogs, disturbance regimes, and the persistence of California red-legged frogs PDF, 2.7MB May 23 14 |
Rebecca A. Doubledee, Erik B. Muller, Roger M. Nisbet Journal of Wildlife Management, 67(2):424-438 2003 |
Our model, plus experimental studies that link specific environmental factors to the bullfrog predation rate, can provide managers with a useful tool for controlling populations and facilitating conservation efforts for the California red-legged frog. |
California Red-Legged Frog (Rana draytonii) Movement and Habitat Use: Implications for Conservation PDF, 2MB May 23 14 |
Gary M. Fellers and Patrick M. Kleeman Journal of Herpetology, 41(2):276-286 2007 |
Our data demonstrate that maintaining populations of pond-breeding amphibians requires that all essential habitat components be protected; these include (1)breeding habitat, (2)nonbreeding habitat, and (3)migration corridors. In addition, a buffer is needed aroundall three areas to ensure that outside activities do not degrade any of the three habitat components. |
Cattle Grazing Mediates Climate Change Impacts in Ephemeral Wetlands PDF, 186KB May 14 13 |
Christopher Pyke and Jaymee Marty Conservation Biology, 19(5):1619-1625 2005 |
Data from a grazing exclosure study indicated that 3 years after the removal of grazing, ungrazed vernal pools dried an average of 50 days per year earlier than grazed control pools. Modeling showed that regional climate change could also alter vernal pool hydrology. Increased temperatures and winter precipitation were predicted to increase periods of inundation. |
Characteristics of some new Reptiles in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution PDF, 2.2MB May 23 14 |
Spencer F. Baird and Charles Girard Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 6 1852 |
Community ecology of invasions: direct and indirect effects of multiple invasive species on aquatic communities PDF, 5.4MB May 01 14 |
Daniel L. Preston, Jeremy S. Henderson, and Pieter T. J. Johnson Ecology, 93(6):1254-1261 2012 |
Our results highlight how the net effects of multiple nonnative species depend on the trophic level of each invader, the form and magnitude of invader interactions, and the traits of native community members. |
Comparative microhabitat characteristics at oviposition sites of the California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii) PDF, 3.4MB May 10 17 |
Alvarez, Jeff A;
Cook, David G;
Yee, Julie L;
van Hattem, Michael G;
Fong, Darren R;
Fisher, Robert N Herpetological Conservation and Biology 2013 |
Rana draytonii appeared to delay breeding in lotic habitats and in more inland sites compared to lentic habitats and coastal sites. eggs occurred as early as mid-december at a coastal artificial pond and as late as mid-april in an inland natural creek. |
Decline of Ranid Frog Species in Western North America: Are Bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) Responsible? PDF, 542KB May 23 14 |
Marc P. Hayes and Mark R. Jennings Journal of Herpetology, 20(4):490-509 1986 |
Declines of the California red-legged frog: climate, UV-B, habitat, and pesticides hypothesis PDF, 201KB May 23 14 |
Carlos Davidson, H. Bradley Shaffer, and Mark R. Jennings Ecological Applications, 11(2):464-479 2001 |
The federally threatened California red-legged frog (Rana aurora draytonii) has disappeared from much of its range for unknown reasons. We mapped 237 historic locations for the species and determined their current population status. |
Declining downwind: amphibian population declines in California and historical pesticide use PDF, 196KB May 23 14 |
Carlos Davidson Ecological Applications, 14(6):1892-1902 2004 |
My study examines the association between the spatial patterns of declines for five California amphibian species and historical patterns of pesticide use in California from 1974 to 1991 based on Department of Pesticide Regulation records. |
Diurnal Versus Nocturnal Surveys for California Red-Legged Frogs PDF, 1.3MB May 23 14 |
Gary M. Fellers and Patrick M. Kleeman Journal of Wildlife Management, 70(6):1805-1808 2006 |
We conducted paired diurnal and nocturnal surveys for adult and subadult California red-legged frogs at sites in the California Coast Range and SierraNevada foothills. |
Do a threatened native amphibian and its invasive congener differ in response to human alteration of the landscape? PDF, 199KB Apr 01 09 |
Antonia D'Amore, Valentine Hemingway, Kerstin Wasson Biological Invasions, 12(1):145-154 2010 |
Anthropogenic changes to habitat are a global phenomenon and the impact of these changes may act in tandem to cause loss of biodiversity. One major global change is the introduction of invasive species. In order to determine whether other human impacts might correlate with populations of invaders, we examined the habitat correlates of distribution, persistence and reproduction of a global invader, the American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). We then compared these correlates with those of a threatened, native congener, the California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii). We found striking differences between the two species in response to habitat fragmentation and degradation. Our work suggests that human alteration of habitat, in particular the hydrology of freshwater sites and through building roads, favors this invasive species across the landscape. |
Effects of Introduced Bullfrogs, Rana catesbeiana, on the Native Frogs of the San Joaquin Valley, California PDF, 152KB May 23 14 |
Peter B. Moyle COPEIA, 1:18-22 1973 |
The disappearance of R. aurora from the region, and the con- tinuing reduction in range of R. boylii, is attributed to habitat alteration coupled with predation and competition from R. catesbeiana. |
Effects of Introduced Mosquitofish and Bullfrogs on the Threatened California Red-Legged Frog PDF, 2.1MB May 23 14 |
Sharon P. Lawler, Deborah Dritz, Terry Strange and Marcel Holyoak Conservation Biology, 13(3):613-622 1999 |
Exotic species have frequently caused declines of native fauna and may contribute to some cases of amphibian decline. Introductions of mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) and bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) are suspected to have caused the decline of California red-leggedfrogs (Rana aurora draytonii). |
Effects of the herbicide imazapyr on juvenile Oregon spotted frogs PDF, 218KB May 24 13 |
Amy E. Yahnke, Christian E. Grue, Marc P. Hayes, and Alexandra T. Troian Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 32(1):228-235 2013 |
The results suggest that imazapyr use in wetland restoration poses a low risk of direct toxic effects on juvenile OSFs. |
Epizootiology of Sixty-Four Amphibian Morbidity and Mortality Events in the USA, 1996-2001 PDF, 737KB May 23 14 |
D. Earl Green, Kathryn A. Converse, and Audra K. Schrader Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 969: 323-339 2002 |
A total of 44 amphibian mortality events and 20 morbidity events were reviewed retrospectively. |
Evaluation of a radio-belt for ranid frogs PDF, 136KB Mar 21 09 |
Galen Rathbun and Thomas Murphey Herpetological Review 27(4):187-189 1996 |
Describes a new method of attaching radios to ranid frogs. |
Evidence from peptidomic analysis of skin secretions that the red-legged frogs, Rana aurora draytonii and Rana aurora aurora, are distinct species PDF, 446KB May 23 14 |
J. Michael Conlon, Nadia Al-Ghafaria, Laurent Coquetb, Jerome Leprince, Thierry Jouenne, Hubert Vaudry, Carlos Davidson Peptides, 27:1305-1312 2006 |
The data emphasize that amino acid sequences of antimicrobial peptides in skin secretions may be used to infer taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships between species of ranid frogs. |
Farm practices for food safety: an emerging threat to floodplain and riparian ecosystems PDF, 456KB Apr 22 14 |
Sasha Gennet, Jeannette Howard, Jeff Langholz, Kathryn Andrews, Mark D. Reynolds, and Scott A. Morrison Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11(5):236-242 2013 |
History and status of the California red-legged frog in the Sierra Nevada, California, USA PDF, 2.3MB May 01 14 |
Sean J. Barry and Gary M. Fellers Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 8(2):456-502 2013 |
Evaluation of the status of the CRLF in the sierra nevada. |
Importance of Native Amphibians in the Diet and Distribution of the Aquatic Gartersnake (Thamnophis atratus) in the San Francisco Bay Area of California PDF, 452KB May 01 14 |
D. Preston and P. Johnson Journal of Herpetology, 46(2):221-227 2012 |
Analysis of stomach contents indicated that Pacific Chorus Frogs (Pseudacris regilla) were the most important amphibian prey, followed by Western Toads (Anaxyrus [=Bufo]boreas), California Newts (Taricha torosa), and California Red-legged Frogs (Rana draytonii). The occurrence of T. atratus at a pond associated positively with the presence of all native amphibian species but negatively associated with the presence of introduced American Bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus [=Rana catesbeiana]). |
Invasive species shifts onto genetic resource partitioning and microhabitat use of a threatened native amphibian PDF, 164KB Apr 05 10 |
Antonia Amore, Eric Kirby, Michael McNicholas Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 19: 534-541 2009 |
3. There was a marked increase in the total number of adult California red-legged frogs seen in all of the ponds after the first year of bullfrog removal, suggesting that these adults were in the ponds, but hiding when invaders were present. Ontogenetic partitioning of habitat in this species was documented, as well as a shift in that partitioning and increased hiding behaviour with adult bullfrog presence. |
Landscape epidemiology of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in central California PDF, 466KB May 27 14 |
Gretchen E. Padgett-Flohr and Robert L. Hopkins, II Ecography 33:688-697 2010 |
In this study, we analyzed how environmental factors, land use practices, and landscape structure may affect the dynamics of the pathogen’s distribution in a landscape dominated by lentic systems within a region of Mediterranean climate. |
Managing rangelands to benefit California red-legged frogs and California tiger salamanders PDF, 6.7MB Apr 22 14 |
Ford, L.D., P.A. Van Hoorn, D.R. Rao, N.J. Scott, P.C. Trenham,
and J.W. Bartolome. Alameda Resource Conservation District 2013 |
Microhabitat use of the California Red-legged frog and introduced bullfrog in a seasonal marsh PDF, 551KB May 23 14 |
David G. Cook and Mark R. Jennings Herpetologica 63(4):430-440 2007 |
We quantified frog phenology and microhabitat use of the native California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii) and introduced bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) in an 11-ha seasonal marsh, Sonoma County, California. Logistic regression showed that both species selected habitats nonrandomly from among the available habitats in the marsh. |
Molecular and Ecological Characterization of Extralimital Populations of Red-Legged Frogs from Western North America PDF, 2.6MB May 28 14 |
Gregory B. Pauly, Santiago R. Ron, and Lance Lerum Journal of Herpetology, Vol. 42, No. 4, 668-679 2008 |
We compare new mtDNA sequence data from these extralimital populations to available sequences from 50 populations from the core range of red-legged frogs |
Movement patterns of California red-legged frogs in an inland California environment PDF, 748KB Jan 29 13 |
Patricia J. Tatarian Herpetological Conservation and Biology 3(2):155-169 March 30, 2008 |
Peer reviewed paper on CRLF movement patterns in inland California. |
Overwintering tadpoles in the California red-legged frog (Rana aurora draytonii) PDF, 24KB Mar 02 07 |
Gary M. Fellers,
Alan E. Launer,
Galen Rathbun,
Steve Bobzien,
Jeff Alvarez,
David Sterner,
Richard B. Seymour, and
Michael Westphal, Herpetological Review, 32(3), 156-157 2001 |
Pathogenicity of Batrachochytrium Dendrobatidis in Two Threatened California Amphibians: Rana draytonii and Ambystoma californiense PDF, 367KB May 27 14 |
Gretchen E. Padgett-Flohr Herpetological Conservation and Biology 3(2):182-191 2008 |
Peptide defenses of the Cascades frog Rana cascadae: implications for the evolutionary history of frogs of the Amerana species group PDF, 467KB May 23 14 |
J. Michael Conlon,, Ahmed al-Dhaheri, Eissa al-Mutawa, Rokaya al-Kharrge, Eman Ahmed, Jolanta Kolodziejek, Norbert Nowotny, Per F. Nielsen, Carlos Davidson Peptides 28:1268-1274 2007 |
Population declines lead to replicate patterns of internal range structure at the tips of the distribution of the California red-legged frog PDF, 1.8MB May 01 14 |
Jonathan Q. Richmond, Adam R. Backlin, Patricia J. Tatarian, Ben G. Solvesky, and Robert N. Fisher Biological Conservation 172:128-137 2014 |
We show that ‘external’ Sierra Nevada populations have lower genetic diversity and are more differentiated from one another than their ‘internal’ Bay Area counterparts. |
Population genetics of the frog-killing fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis PDF, 1.4MB May 27 14 |
Jess A. T. Morgan, Vance T. Vredenburg, Lara J. Rachowicz, Roland A. Knapp, Mary J. Stice, Tate Tunstall, Rob E. Bingham, John M. Parker, Joyce E. Longcore, Craig Moritz, Cheryl J. Briggs, and John W. Taylor Pnas 104(34):13845-13850 2007 |
Pre-1900 overharvest of California red-legged frog (Rana aurora draytonii): The inducement for bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) introduction PDF, 326KB May 27 14 |
Mark R. Jennings and Marc P. Hayes Herpetologica 41(3):94-103 1985 |
Pre-1900 frog harvest data from California suggests heavy exploitation of California red-legged frogs (Rana aurora draytonii). A comparison with data collected from present-day, non-exploited, healthy populations of R. a. draytonii suggest that mostly female frogs may have been harvested. |
Rana aurora draytonii (California Red Legged Frog). Microhabitat. PDF, 310KB May 10 17 |
Alvarez, J.A. Herpetological Review (35) 2004 |
Rana draytonii dispersal PDF, 84KB Jun 14 11 |
Mark Allaback, David M. Laabs, David S. Keegan, Josh D. Harwayne Herpetological Review, 41(2), 204-206 2010 |
Rana draytonii (California Red legged Frog). Dispersal. PDF, 292KB May 10 17 |
Allaback, M.L., D.M. Laabs, D.S. Keegan and J.D. Harwayne Herpetological Review (41) 2010 |
Rana draytonii (California Red legged Frog). Prey. PDF, 120KB May 10 17 |
Stitt, Eric and Seltenrich, Craig Herpetological Review (41) 2010 |
Rana draytonii (California red-legged frog). Behavior- dangers of drift fences PDF, 62KB Mar 21 09 |
Galen Rathbun, Norman Scott, Thomas Murphey Herpetological Review 28(2):85-86 1997 |
A research note with information about California red-legged frog behavior. This particularly deals with the danger of drift fence barriers to the species. |
Rana Draytonii (California Red-legged Frog). Egg Predation. PDF, 39KB Mar 21 09 |
Galen Rathbun Herpetological Review 29(3):165 1998 |
This is a research note that describes important factors of egg predation to the California red-legged frog. |
Rana draytonii (California Red-Legged Frog). Predation. PDF, 216KB Jun 04 12 |
Jeff Wilcox Herpetological Review 42(3):414-415 2011 |
Bullfrogs found with red-legged young in their stomachs. |
Rana Draytonii (California Red-legged Frog). Prey. PDF, 16KB Mar 20 09 |
Marc P. Hayes, Mark R. Jennings, Galen B. Rathbun Herpetological Review 37(4):449 2006 |
A note explaining prey of California red-legged frog. |
Relocations of California red-legged frogs, California, USA. PHP, 113KB May 25 11 |
Dana Bland Re-introduction News, Newsletter of the Re-introduction Specialist Group, IUCN, No. 25:12-13. 2006 |
Reproductive Interference by an Invasive Species an Evolutionary Trap? PDF, 130KB Apr 05 10 |
Antonia D'Amore, Eric Kirby, Valentine Hemingway Herpetological Conservation and Biology 4(3):325-330 2009 |
We detected 43 cases of interspecific amplexus over three years between a threatened amphibian, Rana draytonii, and its invasive competitor and predator, Rana catesbeiana. |
Spatial Tests of the Pesticide Drift, Habitat Destruction, UV-B, and Climate-Change Hypotheses for California Amphibian Declines PDF, 3.8MB May 23 14 |
Carlos Davidson, H. Bradley Shaffer, and Mark R. Jennings Conservation Biology, 16(6):1588-1601 2002 |
Using a geographic information system, we constructed maps of the spatial pattern of declines for eight declining California amphibian taxa, and compared the observed patterns of decline to those predicted by hypotheses of wind-borne pesticides, habitat destruction, ultraviolet radiation, and climate change. |
Species boundaries, phylogeography and conservation genetics of the red-legged frog (Rana aurora/draytonii) complex PDF, 379KB May 23 14 |
H. Bradley Shaffer, G. M. Fellers, S. Randal Voss, J. C. Oliver, and Gregory B. Pauly Molecular Ecology 13(9):2667-2677 2004 |
The currently available evidence favours recognition of aurora and draytonii as separate species with a narrow zone of overlap in northern California. |
Sympatry in California tiger salamander and Californa red-legged frog breeding habitat within their overlapping range PDF, 145KB May 01 14 |
Jeff A. Alvarez, Mary A. Shea, Jeffery T. Wilcox, Mark L.. Allaback, Sarah M. Foster, Gretchen E. Padgett-Flohr, and Jennifer L. Haire California Fish and Game 99(1):42-48 2013 |
Accounts of sympatry in the breeding habitat of two protected amphibians that have not been reported elsewhere that may affect management of both species. |
Terrestrial activity and conservation of adult California red-legged frogs Rana aurora draytonii in coastal forests and grasslands PDF, 349KB Mar 20 09 |
John B. Bulger, Norman J. Scott Jr., Richard B. Seymour Biological Conservation 110:85-95 2003 |
The federally threatened California red-legged frog Rana aurora draytonii occupies both aquatic and terrestrial habitats in its adult life stage. The terrestrial activities of this species are not well known and require documentation to assist in the development of appropriate levels of protection under the US Endangered Species Act. We studied the terrestrial activities of radio-tagged red legged frogs (n=8-26) inhabiting a coastal watershed in Santa Cruz County, California, during 1997-1998. In particular, we investigated (1) the use of terrestrial habitats by non-migrating adults in relation to season, breeding chronology, and precipitation, and (2) adult migration behavior, including seasonal timing, duration, distances traveled, and the use of corridors. (more) |
The Decline of Amphibians in California's Great Central Valley PDF, 1.8MB May 23 14 |
Robert N. Fisher and H. Bradley Shaffer Conservation Biology 10(5):1387-1397 1996 |
Declines in amphibian populations are rarely reported on the community or ecosystem level. We combined broad-scale field sampling with historical analyses of museum records to quantify amphibian declines in California's Great Central Valley |
Translocation of California red-legged frogs (Rana aurora draytonii) PDF, 789KB Mar 21 09 |
Galen Rathbun and Julie Schneider Wildlife Society Bulletin 29(4):1300-1305 2001 |
Offers information about the risk of moving individual frogs and suggests considerations for doing so. |
Variation in Pesticide Tolerance of Tadpoles among and within Species of Ranidae and Patterns of Amphibian Decline PDF, 1.2MB May 23 14 |
Christine M. Bridges and Raymond D. Semlitsch Conservation Biology 14(5):1490-1499 2000 |
Chemical contamination, at lethal or sublethal level, can alter natural regulatory processes such as juvenile recruitment in amphibian populations and should be considered a contributing cause of declines in amphibian populations. |
Vocal Sac Variation among Frogs of the Genus Rana from Western North America PDF, 1.6MB May 23 14 |
Marc P. Hayes and Dana M. Krempels Copeia 4:927-936 1986 |
Vocal sac condition of 460 frogs was examined by dissection for five western North American Rana (Rana boylii group sensu Case, 1978): R. aurora (N = 280), R. boylii (N = 24), R. cascadae (N = 113), R. muscosa (N = 22) and R. pretiosa (N = 21). |
Water Temperatures in a California Red-legged breeding pond PDF, 624KB Apr 12 13 |
Galen Rathbun Immediate Science Ecology 1: 7-11 September 5, 2012 |
This report describes the use of data loggers to gather water temperature profiles, which demonstrates the potential for broader research on the topic. In addition, the preliminary results and discussion will assist resource managers to better understand and develop optimal management and restoration activities for the threatened frog. |
A Standardized Protocol for Surveying Aquatic Amphibians PDF, 410KB Mar 02 07 |
Gary M. Fellers
Kathleen L. Freel National Park Service May 1995 |
Amphibian and Reptile Species of Special Concern in California PDF, 5.3MB May 27 14 |
Mark R. Jennings and Marc P. Hayes Final Report for California Department of Fish and Game 1994 |
The California Department of Fish and Game commissioned this study as part of the Inland Fisheries Division Endangered Species Project. |
Amphibians and Reptiles in Nevada PDF, 8.7MB May 23 14 |
Jean M. Linsdale Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 73(8):197-257 1938 |
Breeding Pond Dispersal of Interacting California Red-Legged Frogs (Rana draytonii) and American Bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus) of California: A Mathematical Model of Management Strategies PDF, 6.3MB May 23 14 |
Iris Acacia Gray A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of Humboldt State University 2009 |
CRLF Survey Appendix D - Site Assessment PDF, 23KB Jan 26 11 |
US Fish and Wildlife Service US Fish and Wildlife Service 2005 |
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Determination of Threatened Status for the California Red-Legged Frog PDF, 154KB Mar 02 07 |
US Fish and Wildlife Service USFWS Federal Register, Vol. 61, No. 101, 25813-25833 May 23, 1996 |
Frog & Toad Calls of the Pacific Coast PDF, 8KB May 23 14 |
Carlos Davidson |
Habitat characteristics of California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii): ecological differences between eggs, tadpoles, and adults in a coastal brackish and freshwater system PDF, 2.4MB May 25 11 |
Dawn Kathleen Reis A Thesis Presented to San Jose State University December 1999 |
Light Source and Binoculars for Visual Encounter Surveys of Adult California Red-legged Frogs PDF, 96KB Sep 21 12 |
Trish Tatarian
Greg Tatarian
Norman Scott September 2012 |
Paper on selecting lights and binoculars for conducting California Red-legged Frog surveys. |
Management Guidlines for the California Red-Legged Frog PDF, 188KB Mar 20 09 |
Drs. Galen Rathbun and Norman Scott Elkhorn Slough Coastal Training Program February 2009 |
This technical paper provides a bibliography and management guidelines for the California red-legged frog. Information presented is not peer-reviewed but is the experience of the authors, who have extensive experience with the organism. Please contact us if you have any concerns or suggestions about the information presented. |
Microhabitat use and reproductive success of the California Red-legged frog (Rana aurora draytonii) and bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) in an ephemeral marsh PDF, 6.6MB May 23 14 |
David Cook Sonoma State University thesis 1997 |
I undertook a study of the habitat use, distribution. and factors influencing the reproductive success of the threatened California red-legged frog (Rana aurora draytonU) and introduced bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) at Ledson Marsh, Sonoma County, California. |
Problems and opportunities managing invasive bullfrogs: is there any hope? PDF, 204KB May 09 12 |
Adams, M. J. and C. A. Pearl Biological invaders in inland waters: Profiles, distribution, and threats. F. Gherardi, editor. Springer Publication Company, New York. 734 pp. 2007 |
"...consider the case of the Bullfrog, review management options, and suggest directions for future research with this and similar species." |
Reports of the decline of Mark Twain's PDF, 4.3MB Jun 24 14 |
Robert L. Bugg Sustainable Agriculture: The Newsletter of the University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program, Vol. 19, No. 1 2007 |
Response of California Red-legged Frogs to Removal of Non-Native Fish PDF, 26KB May 23 14 |
Jeff A. Alvarez, Carissa Dunn, Andrea F. Zuur Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society, 9-12 2002-2003 |
Revised Guidence on Site Assessments for California Red Legged Frog PDF, 143KB Jan 26 11 |
US Fish and Wildlife US Fish and Wildlife August 2005 |
Status of the California red-legged frog and California tiger salamander at Concord Naval Weapons Station, California PDF, 633KB May 27 14 |
Eric W. Stitt and Giselle T. Downard Transactions of the Western Section of The Wildlife Society 36:32-39 2000 |
The sustained presence of California red-legged fiogs and California tiger salamanders at CNWS is likely due to a combination of factors including absence of aquatic predators, low occurrence of migration barriers, presence of upland refugia, connectivity between water resources, and low levels of human disturbance relative to urban areas that border CNWS. |
Stockpond management for the benefit of California red-legged frog PDF, 101KB May 24 13 |
Norman Scott
Galen Rathbun
Trish Tatarian 2013 |
Pond management recommendations for Red-legged Frogs |
The Amphibian Tree of Life PDF, 9.2MB May 23 14 |
Darrel R. Frost, Taran Grant, Julian Faivovich, Raoul H. Bain, Alexander Haas, Celio F.B. Haddad, Rafael O. De Sa, Alan Channing, Mark Wilkinson, Stephen C. Donnellan, Christopher J. Raxworthy, Johnathan A. Campbell, Boris L. Blotto, Paul Moler, Robert C. Drewes, Ronald A. Nussbaum, John D. Lynch, David M. Green, and Ward C. Wheeler Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History No. 297 2006 |
USFWS: Revised Guidance on Site Assessments and Field Surveys for the California Red-legged Frog |
Feb 15 17 |
California red-legged frog sounds, pictures, and information |
Apr 24 08 |
Recovery Plan for the California Red-legged Frog (Rana draytonii) |
Apr 16 12 |
Center for North American Herpetology - California Herp Checklist |
Feb 15 17 |
Solano County CRLF Translocation Project |
Feb 15 17 |
EPA- Pesticide Effects Determinations for the California Red-legged Frog and other California Listed Species |
May 24 13 |
Settlement will Safeguard Endangered California Frog from Pesticides |
Nov 12 13 |
California Red-Legged Frog Sounds |
Apr 05 10 |
Managing Rangelands for California red-legged frog and California tiger salamander |
Apr 22 14 |