Archived Workshops/References
Riparian Conservation and Ecology
California's coastal riparian systems are increasingly valued because of the ecosystem services they provide as well as the number of sensitive species that they support. For this subject area, our educational programs focus on three areas: 1) defining what a 'riparian' area is (including gathering/contrasting the various agency definitions); 2) providing the latest science regarding conservation priorities, and 3) clarifying how these systems are regulated.
Training Programs
Documents and Publications
An ecological perspective of riparian and stream restoration in the western United States. PDF, 1.1MB Jun 30 05 |
J. Boone Kauffman, Robert L. Beschta, Nick Otting, and Dana Lytjen Fisheries 22(5):12-24 1997 |
Applicability of landscape and island biogeography theory to restoration of riparian understory plants. PDF, 279KB Jun 30 05 |
Karen D. Holl and Elizabeth E. Crone Journal of Applied Ecology 41:922-933 2004 |
Avian responses to restoration: nest-site selection and reproductive success in song sparrows. PDF, 232KB Jun 30 05 |
Brenda Larison, Stephen A. Laymon, Pamela L. Williams, and Thomas B. Smith The Auk 118(2):432-442 2001 |
Biological criteria for buffer zones around wetlands and riparian habitats for amphibians and reptiles. PDF, 277KB Jun 30 05 |
Raymond D. Semlitsch and J. Russell Bodie Conservation Biology 17(5):1219-1228 2003 |
Breeding bird response to riparian buffer width in managed Pacific Northwest Douglas-fir forests. PDF, 139KB Jun 30 05 |
Scott F. Pearson and David A. Manuwal Ecological Applications 11(3):840-853 2001 |
Conservation of riparian ecosystems in the United States. PDF, 826KB Jun 30 05 |
Fritz L. Knopf, R. Roy Johnson, Terrell Rich, Fred B. Samson, and Robert C. Szaro Wilson Bulletin 100(2):272-284 1988 |
Defining reference conditions for restoration of riparian plant communities: examples from California, USA. PDF, 266KB Jun 30 05 |
Richard R. Harris Environmental Management 24(1):55-63 1999 |
Development of a bird integrity index: using bird assemblages as indicators of riparian condtion. PDF, 224KB Jun 30 05 |
Sandra A. Bryce, Robert M. Hughes, and Philip R. Kaufmann Envrionmental Management 30(2):294-310 2002 |
Development, maintenance and role of riparian vegetation in the river landscape. PDF, 545KB Jun 30 05 |
Eric Tabacchi, David L. Correll, Richard Hauer, Gilles Pinay, Anne-Marie Planty-Tabacchi, and Robert C. Wissmar Freshwater Biology 40:497-516 1998 |
Importance of spatial scale to habitat use by breeding birds in riparian forests: a hierarchical analysis. PDF, 306KB Jun 30 05 |
Victoria Saab Ecological Applications 9(1):135-151 1999 |
Lessons learned from river restoration projects in California. PDF, 288KB Jun 30 05 |
G. Mathias Kondolf Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 8:39-52 1998 |
Long-term declines and decadal patterns in population trends of songbirds in western North America, 1979-1999. PDF, 450KB Jun 30 05 |
Grant Ballard, Geoffrey R. Geupel, Nadav Nur and Thomas Gardali The Condor 105:737-755 2003 |
Songbird monitoring in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area: a multifaceted tool for guiding the restaration of redwood creek. PDF, 5.5MB Jun 30 05 |
Thomas Gardali, Carolyn Shoulders, Daphne Hatch, Aaron L. Holmes, Sandra E. Scoggin and Geoffrey E. Geupel Park Science 21(1):28-32 2001 |
Stream amphibians as indicators of ecosystem stress: a case study from California's redwoods. PDF, 127KB Jun 30 05 |
Hartwell H. Welsh, Jr. and Lisa M. Ollivier Ecological Applications 8(4):1118-1132 1998 |
Terrestrial activity and conservation of adult California red-legged frogs Rana aurora draytonii in coastal forests and grasslands. PDF, 349KB Jun 30 05 |
John B. Bulger, Norman J Scott, Jr. and Richard B. Seymour Biological Conservation 110:85-95 2002 |
Bibliography: Ecology and Conservation of Coastal California's Riparian Areas PDF, 28KB Jul 21 05 |
Coastal Training Program Elkhorn Slough Coastal Training Program 2005 |
Comparison of Riparian Setback Ordinances PDF, 449KB Oct 26 05 |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Serge Glushkoff |
Elkhorn Slough wetland/riparian restoration project 2003-2004 summary report. PRBO Contribution # 1112 PDF, 196KB Jun 30 05 |
Kim Kreitinger and Kirsten Lindquist PRBO Conservation Science 2005 |
Investing in Watersheds Brochure PDF, 679KB Jun 30 05 |
California Department of Water Resources Department of Water Resources, Resources Restoration Branch |
Monterey County General Plan PDF, 1.4MB Jun 30 05 |
Monterey County Monterey County Board of Supervisors 1982 |
CalPIF website including Riparian Bird Conservation Plan |
Sep 13 06 |
Monterey County Zoning Ordinance - Title 21 |
Aug 13 08 |
County of Santa Cruz Planning Department: Riparian Corridors |
Sep 19 07 |
Department of Water Resources: urban Streams Program- Pre-application Questionaire |
Jun 27 05 |