Ranching in Carnivore Country: Livestock Protection and Compensation Programs on the Central Coast - Central Coast Rangeland Coalition Fall 2017 Meeting Attendee Contact List |
Last | First | Title | Organization | City | Phone | Carpool | ||||
Barry | Sheila | Bay Area Natural Resources Advisor | Los Gatos | (408) 282-3106 | sbarry(at)ucanr.edu | |||||
Claassen | Gordon | Livestock Manager | Davenport | (831) 458-5414 | gclaasse(at) calpoly.edu |
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Crowder | Fred | Ag Commissioner / Sealer | Redwood City | (650) 363-4700 | fcrowder(at) smcgov.org |
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Cuzick | Elaina | Acting Land And Facilities Services Manager | Los Altos | (650) 691-1200 x511 | ecuzick(at) openspace.org |
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Kogan | Irina | Senior Stewardship Project Manager | Palo Alto | (650) 854-7696 x363 | ikogan(at) openspacetrust.org |
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Macon | Dan | Herdsman | dmacon(at) ucdavis.edu |
Maier | Jessie | Ranch Hand | Paicines | (614) 271-4990 | jessiemaier(at) gmail.com |
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Malone | Brian | Land And Facilities Manager | Los Altos | (650) 691-1200 x562 | bmalone(at) openspace.org |
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Markegard | Erik | Rancher | Half Moon Bay | (650) 245-4559 | Erik(at) markegardfamily.com |
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Meyer | Kyle | Conservation Grazing Assistant | Carmel | (831) 402-0554 | kmeyer(at) slconservancy.org |
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O'Leary | Laura | Senior Farmland Project Manager | Palo Alto | (650) 854-7696 x339 | loleary(at) openspacetrust.org |
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Pulcrano | Becca | Livestock And Rangeland Management Specialist | Davenport | (805) 441-3215 | rpulcran(at) calpoly.edu |
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Renz | Allan | Tres Pinos | (831) 801-0039 | allanrenz(at) gmail.com |
Ruzzo | Walter | Chair, Swanton Pacific Ranch Advisory Council | Mountain View | (650) 245-6182 | waltruzzo(at) gmail.com |
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Thomson | Virginia | Executive Director | Mill Valley | (415) 990-3311 | ginger(at) felidaefund.org |
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Webster | Kathy | Food Advocacy Director/leftcoast Grassfed Manager | Pescadero | (650) 879-2147 | kathy(at) tomkatranch.org |
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Yovovich | Veronica | Wildlife Conflict Specialist | Berkeley | (312) 952-5071 | vyovovich(at) gmail.com |
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Alpers | Lindsey | Ranch Manager | Alpers Cattle LLC | San Jose | (408) 234-3765 | LD81a(at)aol.com | N | |||
Brown | Jess | Executive Director | San Mateo County Farm Bureau | Watsonville | (831) 818-1193 | jessbrown(at) sbcglobal.net |
Burns | Bj | President | San Mateo County Farm Bureau | Pescadero | (650) 740-9801 | Bburns186(at) yahoo.com |
Chinn | Jeanne | Environmental Scientist | California Department Of Fish And Wildlife | Napa | (707) 576-2793 | Jeanne.Chinn(at) wildlife.ca.gov |
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Defreese | Denise | Wildland Vegetation Program Manager | East Bay Regional Parks | Oakland | (510) 544-2344 | ddefreese(at) ebparks.org |
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Donovan | Terah | Morgan Hill | (669) 253-6566 | terah.donovan(at) scv-habitatagency.org |
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Feliz | Dave | Reserve Manager | Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, California Department Of Fish And Wildlife | Watsonville | (831) 728-2822 x302 | Dave.feliz(at) wildlife.ca.gov |
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Ferrasci | Linda | Board Member | Monterey County Resource Conservation Dh6istrict | Carmel Valley | (831) 320-7532 | lindastastypork(at) gmail.com |
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Fontana | Vince | Farmer | Vince Fontana | Half Moon Bay | (650) 888-0703 | Bburns186(at) yahoo.com |
Ford | Larry | Rangeland Ecologist | LD Ford Rangeland Conservation Science | Felton | (831) 335-3959 | fordld(at) sbcglobal.net |
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Haas | Gerry | Conservation Planner | Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency | Morgan Hill | (669) 253-6127 | Gerry.Haas(at) scv-habitatagency.org |
Hirst | Deborah | Legislative Aide, Office Of Supervisor Don Horsley | County Of San Mateo | Redwood City | (650) 599-1019 | dhirst(at)smcgov.org | N | |||
Horenstein | Julie | Staff Environmental Scientist | California Department Of Fish And Wildlife | Sacramento | (916) 324-3772 | Julie.Horenstein(at) wildlife.ca.gov |
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Kasteen | Terris | Environmental Scientist | California Department Of Fish And Wildlife | Ben Lomond | (831) 336-8300 | terris.kasteen(at) wildlife.ca.gov |
Koopmann | Clayton | Rangeland Ecologist | Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District | Los Altos | (650) 691-1200 | ckoopmann(at) openspace.org |
LUKE | Luke | Cooperative Extension Specialist | Berkeley | (703) 798-8459 | luke.macaulay(at) berkeley.edu |
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Marsh Jr. | Bob | Cattle Rancher | ||||||||
McCain | Sean | Scientific Aide | California Department Of Fish And Wildlife | Aromas | Seanrmccain(at) gmail.com |
Overtree | Lynn | Stewardship Manager | Land Trust Of Santa Cruz County | Santa Cruz | (831) 429-6116 x305 | lynn.overtree(at) landtrustsantacruz.org |
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Ramsden | Abigail | Project Director | The Nature Conservancy | San Francisco | (415) 281-0435 | aramsden(at)tnc.org | Y | |||
Rao | Devii | Livestock And Natural Resources Advisor | UC Cooperative Extension | Hollister | (831) 637-5346 x14 | drorao(at)ucanr.edu | N | |||
Reed | Lewis | Reserve Steward | Bodega Marine Reserve, UC Davis | Bodega Bay | (618) 201-8911 | lewiskreed(at) gmail.com |
Robinson | Megan | Supervising Open Space Technician | Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority | San Jose | (408) 224-7476 x7476 | mrobinson(at) openspaceauthority.org |
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Silvestri | Dante | Cattle Rancher | Pescadero | 650 862 0511 | ranchdante(at) gmail.com |
Wood | Ned | Rancher | Independent | Lafayette | (510) 541-4622 | woodlivestock6(at) gmail.com |
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