Central Coast Rangelands Coalition Fall 2014 Membership Meeting: Helping Each Other Weather the Worst of Times Attendee Contact List |
Last | First | Title | Organization | City | Phone | Carpool | ||||
Banke | Paul | Livermore | (925) 784-9251 | wpcattle(at) hotmail.com |
Brillinger | Renata | Executive Director | Sebastopol | (707) 823-8278 | renata(at) calclimateag.org |
Claassen | Gordon | Livestock Manager | Davenport | (831) 458-5414 | gclaasse(at) calpoly.edu |
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Claitor | Stacy | Land And Livestock Manager | Pescadero | (650) 879-0779 | stacy(at) tomkatranch.org |
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Cuzick | Elaina | Real Property Specialist | Los Altos | (650) 691-1200 x511 | elaina_cuzick(at) yahoo.com |
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Dale-Cesmat | Ceci | State Range Specialist | Davis | (530) 792-5658 | ceci.dalecesmat(at) ca.usda.gov |
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Dorrance | Dave | Partner | Salinas | (831) 594-5588 | ddorrance(at) earthlink.net |
Dorrance | Steve | Partner | Salinas | (831) 809-2750 | sdorrance(at) razzolink.com |
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Fields | Colton | |||||||||
Gomola | Courtney | Sierra Fellow | Taylorsville | (530) 284-1022 x27 | cgomola(at) SierraInstitute.us |
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Howell | Ian | Resource Conservationist | Livermore | (925) 371-0154 x3858 | ian.howell(at) acrcd.org |
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Koopmann | Clayton | Rancher | Sunol | (925) 819-0413 | koopmann.consulting(at) gmail.com |
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Martin, Jr. | Duane | Elk Grove | (209) 481-5355 | dmartinls(at) hughes.net |
Miller | Mike | Director | Mt. Hamilton | (408) 929-8425 | western-beef(at) juno.com |
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O'Leary | Laura | Senior Farmland Project Manager | Palo Alto | (650) 854-7696 x339 | loleary(at) openspacetrust.org |
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Rao | Devii | Livestock And Natural Resources Advisor | Hollister | (831) 637-5346 x14 | rdeviirao(at) gmail.com |
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Sweet | Darrel | Rancher | Livermore | (925) 443-7692 | dsweet(at) cattlemen.net |
Teaby | Aimee | Remote Sensing Technician | Marina | (209) 768-1371 | ateaby(at)gmail.com | Y | ||||
Alpers | Lindsey | Ranch Manager | Alpers Cattle LLC | San Jose | (408) 234-3765 | LD81a(at)aol.com | N | |||
Aquino | Alyson | District Conservationist | Natural Resources Conservation Service | Livermore | (925) 371-0154 x3866 | alyson.aquino(at) ca.usda.gov |
Barry | Sheila | Bay Area Natural Resources Advisor | UC Cooperative Extension | San Jose | (408) 282-3106 | sbarry(at) ucdavis.edu |
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Charbonneau | Jackie | Ecologist | Natural Resources Conservation Service | Livermore | (925) 371-0154 x3864 | jackie.charbonneau(at) ca.usda.gov |
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Defreese | Denise | Wildland Vegetation Program Manager | East Bay Regional Parks | Oakland | (510) 544-2344 | ddefreese(at) ebparks.org |
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Hayes | Grey | Coastal Training Program Coordinator | Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve | Watsonville | (831) 274-8700 | grey(at) elkhornslough.org |
He | Ling | Range Conservationist | Natural Resources Conservation Service | Livermore | (925) 371-0154 x3860 | ling.he(at) ca.usda.gov |
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Inlander | Ethan | Stewardship Manager | The Nature Conservancy | San Francisco | (479) 871-0804 | einlander(at)tnc.org | N | |||
Livia | Diane | Planner, Bioregional Habitat Restoration | San Francisco Public Utilities Commission | San Francisco | (415) 554-1888 | dlivia(at) sfwater.org |
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Phillips | George | Land Conservation Manager | Save Mount Diablo | Walnut Creek | (925) 947-3535 | gphillips(at) savemountdiablo.org |
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Robinson | Megan | Supervising Open Space Technician | Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority | San Jose | (408) 224-7476 x7476 | mrobinson(at) openspaceauthority.org |
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Rosevelt | Carolyn | Research Scientist | NASA-Ames / CSUMB | Aptos | (206) 484-3200 | crosevelt(at) csumb.edu |
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Scornaienchi | Joe | Ranger/naturalist | East Bay Municipal Utilities District | Orinda | (510) 715-8489 | jscornai(at) ebmud.com |
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